Discover convenient payment options
How It Works:
Book your flight online and select "Cash at Bank" or "Bank Transfer" as your payment method. You will receive a confirmation email with detailed instructions on how to complete your payment. Enjoy the convenience of booking online and paying offline with Air France!
Terms and conditions:
- Please note that the options to pay at CIB bank and bank transfer are available for point of sale and point of origin EGYPT.
- To avoid booking cancellation, pay within the time allotted.
- Booking reference and phone number must be provided when selecting this method of payment. Failure to include this information means that we will be unable to match your payment to your booking and will be unable to issue your ticket. Additional details may be required to complete the transaction, please refer to the details specified in the email you will receive once this method is selected.
- All local handling fees, exchange rate differences, and intermediary bank handling fees are the responsibility of the customer. Please confirm the total payment amount with your bank before completing the transfer or cash payment.
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